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67 подписчиков

The 10 Best Things About Divorce

  I don’t know a single person who has gone through a divorce and thought it pleasurable. Divorce is tough, ugly, and acrimonious -- it pretty much sucks. But if you look closely enough, I’ll bet you can find many great things that emerged from your divorce. I know I can. And when I think about it

The Ultimate Checklist For Anyone Who Wants To Avoid Divorce

You don't often hear newly engaged couples asking divorcés for marriage advice -- but maybe they should. Who better to school you on what doesn't work in a marriage than someone who's been there, done that, and got the t-shirt? Given that, we had to hand it to this marriage-bound Redditor who had

Things That Exist: the Divorce Hotel

There are some vacation spots that are so romantic they make you want to fall head over heels in love with someone and do cliché things like take a carriage ride and have sex on the beach. This place is not one of them. The Gideon Putnam Resort in Saratoga Springs, a vacation spot in upstate New

Good Marriage Advice...From Divorced People

In the fall of 2008, filmmaker Dana Adam Shapiro's friends began splitting up in droves (four in one month alone), and the bachelor wondered: Can I glean anything useful from their heartbreak? "In driver's ed, they show films that end in car wrecks, and you learn what not to do because you don't

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Marrying If You Want To Avoid Divorce

"Till death do us part" is not a pledge you should take lightly. Take it from people who've experienced the emotional and legal minefield that is divorce. Below, HuffPost Divorce readers share with us the questions they believe every soon-to-be married person needs to ask themselves before saying

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