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67 подписчиков

Your Couple Friends Called It Quits: Now What?

Last year, Abbe Wright’s friend group was seemingly perfect. The 28-year-old from Brooklyn mainly hung out with her two best friends from high school, Sarah and Brittany, and their boyfriends, Peter and Patrick, respectively—it was a nice little fivesome. But at the end of the year, Brittany and

10 Reasons Guys Love Having Female Friends

1. You're brutally honest about our fashion sense (more like fashion nonsense, amiright?). Face it: Moms and girlfriends are pretty biased (hopefully), so we're left to our lady friends to find out for sure if our new haircut looks stupid or if we can pull off that sweater we got for Christmas.

What "Friends" taught me about love

20 years later, Friends still teaches us about love Even though I've seen every Friends episode more than once and own every season on DVD, I'll still watch reruns and TBS marathons regularly. I still laugh like each joke is entirely new to me. I still find myself smiling as "I'll be there for

4 Mistakes Guaranteed to Get You Friend-Zoned

I’m chatting with my friend Patrick, and he’s telling me about a girl he recently went to dinner with. He says she’s hot, and that she’s been texting him a lot—but what should he text back?I ask him about the content of her texts: Are they flirty? Does she want to see him again? Do they involve

Would You Date Someone Your Friends Hated?

HE SAID: Dates are very personal choices, and as friends we sometimes forget that. We have a tendency to look at the people our friends date as if they were picked out of a lineup, thinking about all the other people you could have had and compare them to the one you chose to be with. Sometimes,

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